The Thems of Blichery,
gifted children and secret agencies:
Sage has been at St. Anne’s Home for Gifted Children for as long as she can remember.
Most children are bought up for their talents in a matter of years, however the Master won’t let anyone have Sage. But Sage is desperate to escape the home and unite with her very best friend, her MindMate Faelyn, of whom she shares a telepathic connection with. When a mysterious woman by the name of Mrs. Charlton offers to take both Sage and Faelyn under her wings, the girls are quick to accept.
Unfortunately, something’s amiss. There’s a dangerous girl who just arrived at the home, locked in chains, and rumors of entities known as ‘Thems’ which the government wants to round up. Suddenly, Sage and Faelyn are thrust into political schemes of abuse. Can they reunite and escape before it’s too late? And what about the friends they make along the way? Are they subject to an even worse fate, completely out of their control?
Genre: fantasy/ sci-fi/ science fiction
Intended audience: young adults
Rough length estimate: trilogy
children with powers, telepathy, world travel, shape shifting, animal companions, spiritual companions, secret societies, political agendas, battles and wars, coming of age